Flatspot Weekly 21.09.2016: Racing in the Interior, Venom Harlots, Fast Times with Flastpot and of course #FlatspotDeckofTheDay!

Hi! Welcome to the flatspot weekly. This is where you can find a solid overview of everything recently rad and awesome at the shop. Plus some more thrown in here and there.

Here’s a brief overview of what we are stoked on:


Chute Lake Disaster and Apex Mountain Challenge!

These two epic races were back to back this past weekend. Couldn’t be more happy to see that the local race scene is self sufficient and full of stoke! Reports are that both events went down smoothly. Daniel Holdsworth and Manu Duhamel crushed it and provided the community with an amazing weekend.

Apex Mountain Podium Shot from Preserved Light Photography

  1. Alex Hannigan    2. Kurtis Dawe    3. Leo Sartor


Chute Lake Disaster 2 podium shot from Think Fast Media

  1. Tristan Kodors    2. Who the hell is that guy (Riley Harris)    3. Alex Hannigan    4. Mack Wacey


Venom Harlots Product Review!


The dues at Venom are urethane experts. The cobra core is really really stiff and has fibreglass in it, which is CRAZY. The new Harlots are made with the new cobra core and have a really nice thane. This is the basic formula that venom used to make this sweet ass wheel. Epic urethane x Epic core x Epic shape = Epic wheel to the power of rad. Makes sense right?

Win a set of Venom Harlots!


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  1. Sign up for our newsletter!
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  3. Tag @FlatspotLongboardShop @VenomSkate and #FlatspotContest
    Contest ends October 10th 2016


We really wish we could give everyone a set of Harlots! Because every skater needs a harlot to call their own. So if you don’t win – or just can’t wait. You can gnab a set off us, or any other epic Venom Wheel for that matter.

S1 Helmets / Sho Ouellette Downhill Samurai [VIDEO]

Super smooth runs combining both hands down and stand up, sho knows how to push the limits without breaking himself off. Couldn’t be more stoked to see this kid grow as a skater. Each new video you can see his style improve.

Sho rides for S1 Helmets, Valhalla Skateboards, Orangatang Wheels, and Paris trucks.

Fast Times at Flatspot Longboards


Aloha skaters! As I’m sure you’re all aware, summer is almost over and soon we’ll be back to the usual cold and wet Vancouver we’ve all grown to tolerate. School is back in session and most of you will be taking the bus to and from school but we’re here to offer another option. If you’re one for chasing the Never-ending Summer we’d highly suggest checking out the Sidewinder Series from Sector 9. This series features the double pivot, Sidewinder trucks from Gullwing that give some serious turning power. Pair these with a pocket size cruiser and you’ve got yourself an endless supply of tasty waves.


    Check out the entire article here!

    Comet Skateboards has always kept true to its roots that go wayyy back. The founder, Jason Salfi, is a legend and has been deeply embedded in skateboarding longer than many of us have been alive. And comet clearly communicates that skateboarding isn’t just an activity that is fun, but its an opportunity to respect the planet and become an agent of change. Furthermore, to express that creatively. Its no secrete skate culture has some deeply embedded ideals that are inherently opposed to those of fascism, and other forms of oppressive authority (ie. see No Futures A.C.A.B). Hence the fact that THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS.

    INSTA #Flatspotdeckoftheday, Comet Skateboards, This Machine Kills Fascists, Flatspot Longboards, Skateboarding, skate, Skate deck, street deck

    The Omen Sugar boils down some of the most basic aspects of what makes a freeride board good and blends them into a carefully balanced meal of radness. Start with a solid rocker, add some flares for clearance, flushmounts to not overpower the flavour of your trucks, and finish off with a kicktail. Gangster graphic as garnish adds a nice visual touch. Voila, a culinary masterpiece! Cutthroat kitchen would get dominated by Omen if they were to somehow come together.


    Kyle Wester is the fastest (skateboarding) man alive. The previous speed record is a weak attempt at fast compared to how fast he recently went. Exactly how fast is that? Who cares, all that matters it that its the FASTEST (ok, he actually went this fast). He doesn’t ride his Rayne Longboards pro model anymore, it is still fast because it has his name on it. The name “Kyle Wester” is now a magical rune that makes things fast. Unfortunately, because Kyle is so damn fast, we are all now much slower. 100mk/hr is now only “sort of fast” and not “really fast”.


    Despite the fact that Kyle doesn’t ride this board anymore, you can easily use a can of black spray paint to upgrade it to the Santa Cruz model. And we know he doesn’t ride Venom Wheels, we just didn’t have any Road Riders on hand and we are pretty sure venoms are fast too. We included the Mypakage because experiencing these speeds first hand will likely scare the soil out of your dump trunk. And the Cariboo is only meant to be shotgunned, because if you are fast, you drink fast too.


    Thats all for this week – if you want to maybe get together and do this thing again, you know, where we write stuff and you read it and do the clicky thing, then sign up for our newsletter bellow!