The Toronto Board Meeting (TBM) is the largest longboarding event in Canada. The Old School Night Shred (OSNS) is the longest standing garage session in Canada. When the two happen at the same time its incredible.

The Skate Invaders are a huge part of the Longboarding Community in toronto, and now Canada for that matter. Jonathan Nuss is a key player in the organization and implementation of the Toronto Board Meeting, and the Skate Invaders as a whole do an amazing job of managing the beast that is the Old School Night Shred. Which was originally started by Benjamin Jordan, who now spends his time doing epic shit like paragliding across Canada. This edit, skillfully capture and edited by Skate Invader Jonathan Nuss, is an amazing testament to the levels of stoke that come from a insanely cold and flat province – Onterrible. Wish we could have been there! Maybe next year.

There is also a similar garage session that goes down every week in Vancouver. If you are interested and want to know the scoop, swing by the store and ask us about it!


  • Skate Invaders – Speed Invaders T-Shirt – Navy Blue


    Skate Invaders – Speed Invaders T-Shirt – Navy Blue

    An instant classic, this Skate Invaders “Speed Invaders” T-Shirt will have you looking fast as heck, even when standing still. All profits directed towards community events.

    100% Cotton
    Available Sizes: SM, MD, LG, XL