Banjo Man!
One year Banjoy Man came to Danger Bay, and the rest was history. This man took the longboard scene here by storm, and now every single racer recognizes his smile and can sing along to his foot stompin tunes.
With songs like “Stay on the Danger Side (of Danger Bay)” and “I Got Rash, on Jake’s Rash” its unlikely that any longboarder couldn’t find versus to identify with. Regularly we will bump this song in the shop at full volume, it tends to increase moral. I really enjoy
On May 31st we had a fantastic party+bowl comp+banjo man concert that was a night to remember. Banjo Man threw down some foot stompin tunes just before the comp, and bowl comp went off with an epic intro. Protest Skateboards represented a vast majority of the awesome gnarlyness in the bowl and took some great media.
Photo credit goes out to Protest Skateboards, who wrote an epic article on the event (FIND IT HERE). Huge thanks need to go out to these guys for throwing down in the bowl and taking awesome photos.
After the festivities were had Banjo Man left us with a stack of CD’s so that the lovely citizens of vancouver could find his tunes. So if you are interested in banjo music drenched in longboard culture, you can gnab one at the shop for 10$.
If you would like to follow his adventures, new tunes or just comments on life, he keeps his facebook page updated.