#FlatspotDeckofTheDay: Madrid Explosion


#FlatspotDeckofTheDay: Madrid Explosion

The Madrid Explosion Deck was a team model from 1983 which quickly became one of most recognizable Madrid boards on the market. // read more


Coast Year End Party // Banjo Man Concert – Photos By SteepShot

Its parties like these that remind us how totally epic our community is! Having amazing artists like Banjo Man is such a pleasure, can’t wait for the next one!

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#FlatspotDeckofTheDay: Madrid Beau Brown Reissue

When you die, its unlikely you will get another chance at life in your same form. But skateboards can rise from the dead! Check out this Madrid Beau Brown Reissue Deck.

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Quenched – Water Squad [VIDEO]

Quenched – Water Squad: There is a magical thing that happens when the love of skating overcomes hatred for rainy weather.

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Tuesday Techslide Photo Album 15.11.16

Hardwheel sliding isn’t all that common in North America, but there are a few of us out there who refuse to accept that we aren’t brazilian and just do our best to huck anyway!

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Liams Birthday Race

Liam Mackenzie is an angel. No really, ask anyone that has met him. Not a single negative vibe has left his body, I think he is incapable of malicious thoughts.

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Flatspot Weekly 16.11.16 – Vancouver Parkades Sessions, Highway Jam Photos and Marryhill Raw Runs!

Welcome to the Flatspot Weekly. Where we take a synopsis of whatever is epic and rad and wrap it all into one big post to inspire and excite your skate nerves!

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Nicolas Perrigaud – Water Squad [VIDEO]

Nicolas Perrigaud explored around Vancouver and found some particularly steep and secluded spots. If you want to relaxed traffic free, you have to be willing to travel!

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#FlatspotDeckofTheDay: Longboard Larry Screaming Mary Complete

The Longboard Larry Screaming Mary complete is an ideal board for a careless, day off, suns out cruise around anywhere, whatever, it doesn’t matter, its just a good ride.

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Alejandro Linares – Water Squad [VIDEO]

Alejandro Linares is an incredibly friendly dude with a solid head on his shoulders. He also rips. But unlike other groms he is more than tolerable!

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