#FlatspotDeckofTheDay: Kebbek Emma Daigle Switchback
The Kebbek Emma Daigle Switchback is a rad, short wheelbase symmetrical topmount. This deck could be set up for any number of different riding styles.
The Kebbek Emma Daigle Switchback is constructed with canadian hardrock maple, sandwiched between two layers of fibreglass. It has a micro radial drop and gas pedals at the wheel wells. Making for a light and agile freeride and downhill board. The concave is suitable for both downhill and freeride. Depending on how you set this board up it could be suitable for a number of different riding styles. We went for a fun freeride set up with the new Abec 11 Polka Dots.
Zealous Bearings – Classic
– Steel Balls
– Precision 8mm axle holes
– .4045″ built in spacers
– .5mm built in speedrings
– Green rubber seals to keep dirt and debris on the outside of the bearing.
– Lubed with Custom Nanoceramic Grease
-The unique feature of the lubricant is how the nanoceramic compound fills in deformations or asperities in the bearing. These deformations cause friction and heat around them which hardens the nano-ceramic compound to that specific area. This micro coating is 5 times the hardness of the host alloy and has a molecular bond with the host metal, filling in all the asperities and eliminating friction over time.
-The coefficient of friction is the lowest in the field of Tribology at 0.003% creating a near frictionless surface. Mainly because the nanoceramic compound eliminates all asperities.
-Extremely low water washout
-Corrosion on the inside of the bearing is nearly eliminated.Sold in sets of 8 bearings.