Mario Kart Deathmatch 2023 Recap

The 2023 Mario Kart Deathmatch was an epic tour of downhill racing and rebel rousing for fun, prizes, and points in the Coast Outlaw Series. Huge thank you to Chase, Kady and Jordan for organizing, hosting and volunteering to herd us all around. We also have mad respect and appreciation for Burton, making not only and epic DIY Crab costume, but all the Myster Boxes and the Awards by had for us all. This was one for the books!

Before we get to the video, of course, lets layout the event. Every year, we get together around Halloween for the Mario Kart Deathmatch tour. Much like Thursday Night Parkades – every Thursday meet at Vancouver Art Gallery 8:00 -8:30 – we set out on an adventure to skate some of the best parking garages in Downtown Vancouver. Come join us! For Mario Kart however, we require some special equipment and a little more of a raging, competitive fire… I mean it is Halloween after all. This event is typically a series of races, with one race at each of the garages we visit. Points are awarded for the top finishers in each race, with an overall series podium at the end of it all. Unlike most races, these are all a Chinese Downhill style start line where everyone goes at ones, there is only one heat, and there are no rules. Full contact and weapons are encouraged.

Costumes and Weapons

As per the rules of Mario kart, you need a helmet, a costume and weapon. Competitors did not disappoint and came out in full regalia ready to battle. Weapons come in many forms. Top two are usually a sword or baton of some kind for striking, followed closely by a bola / rope / chain something to throw and wrap around the wheels or legs of your opponents. The masters of the group understand that your costume can also be a weapon if you play it right, but really Burton took things to a new level this year with his homemade Crab costume with a protective shell and large claws to defend and attack with. What a legend!

Be sure to check out a selection of some of the other costumes and weapons, but be sure to notice the Mystery Boxes. Not only did Burton make his costume, he made special mystery boxes for each race. And just like in Mario Kart, these mystery boxes were captured and used to help take out opponents.

Volunteers and Organizers

We cannot thank the dedicated folx who help make Mario Kart what it is. Chase and Team pizza have been helping make Mario happen for it’s whole existence. Now after all these years, Chase is also leading the Coast Outlaw Series and keeping racing in the lower mainland alive and accessible. Adding Mario Kart to the series makes sense, but is also a bit of a cherry event for the skater that likes to have fun and not just be focused on athletics of competitive racing – anyone can win it. Mario Kart is for the people! Alongside Chase, Kady has stepped up more and more over the years and been the host as well in some years. This year Kady helped lead up the finish line with Jordan, while Chase managed start line. No small task as Kady and Jordan had to record hectic finish lines to ensure who crossed in what position and tally points all night, while also putting out the Mystery Boxes and trying to herd the competitors and keep us all safe. Huge thanks to Chase, Kady and Jordan for the incredible effort to make it all happen. Thank you!

From Art Gallery taking entries and inspections, to garage after garage across town and back, our hosts did the most!


While this event is incredible without a clear podium, we do that every Thursday, come join us! This event has some wieners and losers and thats all there is to it. Beyond the podium, awards were given out for best costume, Burton, best weapon use, Thomas, and best (most) crash, Cheddar. I just want to take a second again to recognize Burton. Not only did he make the epic costume he won in, and make special never before done at the event mystery boxes for each garage, but Burton also hand made all the medals out of metal for the event… and they are incredible.

Consis went to Ali, Kiefer, and Ajay

Danny took 3rd, Ben was in 2nd and with a repeat of last year, Princess Shawn took home 1st place once again.

Congrats to all the competitors. Many thanks again to the volunteers, organizers, mystery box and award maker, and to our sponsors Cariboo Brewing, Team Pizza, Coast Outlaw Series and Coast Longboarding,

Until next year, please enjoy this video of our night!

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