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Triple 8 Eight NYC Protective Gear Wristsaver Wrist Guards
Our Wristsavers let you skate hard and fall harder. You’ll take comfort in their snug, stretchy fit, plus shock-absorbing EVA foam tucked between impact-resistant ABS splints on front and back.
Triple 8 Eight NYC Protective Gear Street 2 Pack Knee and Elbow Pads
The starter kit for street skating.
Grab our Street Knee and Elbow Pads together in a convenient and economical package.
Triple 8 Eight NYC Protective Gear Hired Hands Wrist Guards
Wrist protection that fits like a glove.
The Hired Hands are our burliest glove, with complete wrist protection coupled with the secure fit and coverage of a glove. Hired Hands feature top grain leather and full padding for maximum protection.
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