Rad Train Rapid Grip Removal Technique
All aboard the Rad Train! If you don’t like your current griptape, enjoy playing with fire, and aren’t super attached to your board, you might want to give this a try!
Alright kids – so don’t try this at home, basically don’t try it at all. But if you do, make sure its someone else’s home, cause it might burn down yours. This goes for most things Jimmy Riha does. Don’t do whatever he does, but if you must, do it in a place that isn’t yours or associated with you. If anyone asks you what your name is once you’ve done something like this, just tell them your Jimmy Riha. Another citation to the list is just a drop in the bucket. If anyone asks where you found out about this amazing technique, just say “the internet” and not “Flatspot told me to.” Cause we didn’t tell you too, we told you to pretend to be Jimmy Riha not doin bad stuff somewhere else. Got it? OK here’s the edit. Enjoy.