Byron Essert – Shmobbing – Flatspot Longboards

Byron Essert is a Shmobb enthusiast. Aint nothin better than shmobbing a few runs with the boys on the local runs. When you’ve all hit a run that many times, sometimes skaters start doing odd things to spice it up.

Byron Essert, Mack Wacy, Alex Charleson, Mathew Kroetsch and other skaters we couldn’t recognize (?) shralped and shmobbed some of the hard to reach Nebraskan Alps. These hosers know how to keep going fast enough to crush your skeleton humorous and light hearted. Edit is by Gabe Rapozo. In true skater fashion, there is an long dark wait at the end of the edit, with utterly no explanation. Why is it there? Where did it come from? Either way, if you watched it through the end, you blew it.

Here’s a few of the instruments of radness displayed in this lovely little shreddit:


    If you have any questions please feel free to shoot us an email at, message us on facebook, or call at 604 899 8937!