Slappy Happy Techslide Tuesday

Techslide Tuesday has been jammed with faces new and old all summer long. As the days have gotten shorter, and colder, we have been stoked to still see some strong numbers joining us. Just because the weather turns, we don’t stop. Wetter can be better, especially when trying to learn some technical slides. No friction!!

Nevertheless, we were out in force last week and out for fun. Find out why we’re so slappy happy below….

A few of us have been talking about modifying some curbs near the top of the spot so we can get a few slappys in while we wait, or even just to start your line.

Cullen has very much championed the idea with Karson right in the thick of it. Let’s save that for later and start with a few techslide staples.

Anthony is always killing it. Have you seen his new video!? (Link)

One more of Anthony I liked.

Harlen has all the blunts these days.

Even when he’s smashing a burger…

Karson has a trick he’s been working on where he gets up on his tail block for a blunt, all four wheels off the ground. It’s pretty rad and he’s nailed it a few times, but I was having a hard time actually capturing it.

What I want for focus on the left, but what I keep getting out of focus and wack on the right when he lands it. Either way I have a deep collection of classic Karson skate faces.

With Karson and I trying to hit the actual photo I wanted, everyone else just took runs around me.

New comer to Techslide Tuesday Amos is absolutely shredding in his first few weeks and impresses us all with how fast he’s learning.

And Jenny got her first hands down 360!!!

Coming by me faster than anyone on some big softies was Finn. While he was paying no attention to me, it was hard to actually time things.

But once he realized I was actually trying to take a photo of him, he gave me a little razzle dazzle.

Not sure how much I actually love the photo, but haven’t had a bunch of time to play with it either.

As things calmed down actually heading down the hill, things picked up at the top. Some of the modifications were dry enough to test out.

Reese had the first real Slappy on the freshness.

Cullen testing out his handy work.

I think Karson had my favorite slappy shots of the night. But I think Harlen was the most consistent on the curb by far.

This was ultimately the shot I wanted, but Harlen is missing an arm… then he rolled up his sleeves a bit later for an alternate angle.

Anyways, Techslide Tuesday is alive and well and going to be going all Fall and Winter. Check out the facebook page or hit the event calendar to get details and directions or send us a message!

Want to find more upcoming events? Check out our event calendar page here. (Link)
Here’s a quick look at November:

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