Techslide Tuesday Sessions Heating Up for Spring
Techslide Tuesday has been happening pretty much all Winter, but it takes a special kind of masochist to throw themselves to cold pavement in the rain and in the dark. Big ups to everyone who did make it out over the darkest and wettest days of the year, you’re the real MVPs!
For those that need a little more light and warmth, the season is on it’s way and the past few weeks have been both dry and receiving of a sun-set as the session gets going. The session has been growing in numbers and lasting a bit longer. Now is definitely the time to get out and put some work in if you have any plans to hit up the Danger Bay Slide comp just a few short weeks away. Registration opened today on April 1st, not a joke!
Competition or no competition, Techslide Tuesday is the zone for working on some skills and progressing with some fun downhills with your friends. We call it Techslide Tuesday because the core of the session is to skate hard wheels and do powerslides of all kinds on them. Soft wheels are welcome of course. We don’t care if you’re a total beginner or a season vet, everyone is out to hang out, skate and help each other out with tips and tricks and stoke.
Check out some photos from the session this past week featuring Cullen Arbuckle, Karson Leigh, Harlen Terjesen, Burton Templeman, Reese Boyco, Alejandro Linares, and Frazer Black, and then get the details on the next session below.

Harlen Terjesen warming up with some blunt slides.

Reese Boyco has a few blunts in his bag.

Frazer Black got on the blunt game recently at Techslide Tuesday and is already locking them in.

Cullen Arbuckle answers with his own steez.
Blunt slides aren’t all that easy, but definitely something that you can get down if you put in the work. Once you’ve got the general technique down, then you can expand your tricktionary with a few variations from there. Progression!

Cullen drops blunts with robot like accuracy, but needs to test his laser calibration from time to time on humans like Karson.
Double take, close up required for this one…
While Techslide Tuesday is full of progression with otherwise standard tricks, its the iterations, nuances and kookery that comes from hanging out with other skaters at a session. Content enough to tweak some blunts, it seems like group think brings ridiculousness and encouragement to get even more silly with the expected cries of “You Won’t!” And in a short time, progression went towards circus tricks and out came our GGI 8 Wheeler skateboard, various board stack tricks and so on and so forth…

Karson Leigh showed us how to skid a GGI 8 Wheeler down the hill.

Reese proved stand-ups were doable.

Burton wasn’t satisfied with 8-Wheels down and took it up a notch with a board stack.

Burton wasn’t content with hands down and hucked a few double decker stand-ups too.
And of course the ante went up from there. Harlen slid stables on a triple board stack and landed stand up checks and handsdown 360s and we thought it was game over. Then Burton hopped on the triple stack and just went for the full hill bomb, riding it out clean, but no camera. So with a little poking and prodding he sent it again, rode out the hill and then bailed on the board stack trying to shut down at the bottom. Still bolts.
Watch Harlen’s quick video of some of the circus tricks here:
Techslide Tuesday can ultimately be as chill or not chill as you want to make it. While these kooks were sending it, we had a couple total beginners learning how to safely navigate heal and toe slides and gain skills and confidence going downhill at their own pace. That’s part of the fun of the session, progression is what you make it for yourself!
Be sure to check the Flatspot Longboards event page on facebook for details and specific directions to the spot. We’re meeting up EVERY Tuesday night in North Vancouver and would be stoked if you wanted to come join us. Don’t worry about hardwheels if that’s not your thing, soft wheels are totally welcome. What you need is a helmet and gloves. We can even lend you some demo boards and gloves if you want to just bring a helmet and try things out too.
Link to the next Techslide Tuesday April 3rd 7pm-10pm.
Come join us!