Yardwaste Memorial Freeride 2017
The Yardwaste Memorial Freeride 2017 is a wrap! The runs were plenty, no one got seriously broke off, and there were basically infinite subs, it was amazing.
First and foremost. This event was coordinated and run strictly by VOLUNTEERS! Yardwaste put in some back breaking beurocratic labor to secure this event for all of us to enjoy. THANK YOU YARDWASTE AND THANK YOU MIKE YARDWASTE/BRIDGE! So kudos to those lovely shredders who make it all happen and invited us out to shuttle the van!
Huge thanks to MedTech Event Medical Services for keeping us safe, City of Chilliwack for its continual support of this event, Abbotsford Community Services for all the hard work and support, and Karen Bridge Fraser Valley Real Estate for feeding us lunch! Lunch was actually amazing. Endless subs, it was heaven.
- Corner talk
- Majestic Waste
- Get down the hill so we can get up again!
- Still amazed its not east van
- First dab of the day.
- Second dab of the day
- Respect your elders!
- Raggie! Team Green!
- Fast Waste
Oh and I almost forgot to mention. WE GOT A FRIGGIN VAN! IT FITS LOTS OF PEOPLE AND SHUTTLED ALL DAY. SHE RUNS GREAT! It managed to get the Flatspot team and friends all the way out to chilliwack at 8am. Its new to us, so new we haven’t even stickered it up yet. Expect to see it at a freeride/slide jam/highway near you.
After snapping some pics I took a run and didn’t pick up my camera again. This road is great. Like really great. It keeps you right on the edge of sliding, gives you a refreshing straight away when you need it, then ends in a great little roller coaster to make sure you legs are good and shaky. It makes sense that Chilliwack has produced a solid stream of talented riders with roads like this. I’ll definitely be coming back and I might not even bring a camera next time. Yardwaste chose exceptionally well with this one.
Its small events like these that can sometimes get you the most runs, and the best times. The event was affordable, accessible, accomodated a good range of skill levels, but also provided the opportunity to get utterly pitted. It makes us super stoked that crews like Yardwaste are organized and committed to making rad shit happen. We will most certainly be there next year.
If you have any questions please feel free to shoot us an email at info@flatspotlongboards.com, message us on facebook, or call at 604 899 8937!